ORAFOL recommends to use only material with the same batch number for the same colour. There are two major methods
of application: dry and wet adhesion. For dry adhesion, first position the film cut and press it at one corner on the surface.
Then adhere the remainder by applying a plastic squeegee across the film in overlapping sweeps. Depending on the size of
the cut being mounted, the silicone paper may be removed completely before bonding or gradually during the adhering
procedure. When using ORATAPE® application paper or film, pull these slowly away from the film at a 180° angle. Wet
adhesion should only be done in warm weather when temperatures are at least +18° C. Spray the exposed adhesive side
with low-surface-tension water (water mixed with a flushing agent) and lay it upon the receiving surface. The ease of precise
positioning is the great advantage of the wet adhesion method.
Press the film to the surface using sweeping, overlapping motions. Make sure that the water is completely squeezed out from
between the surface and the adhesive. For wet adhesion, we recommend ORATAPE® MT72 application paper. After a short
drying period, remove application paper carefully at a 180° angle. Slightly moistening the back side of the application paper
makes this procedure even easier. The bond is improved if the film is pressed again to the surface after a few hours. To
avoid differences in perceived colour after adhesion, ORACAL® coloured films should always be worked and adhered in one
direction only. When mounting across overlapping sheets of metal or expansion joints, use a sharp knife to separate the film
at these points so that the film does not come loose when exposed to motion. Different background profiles are used in
vehicle construction.
When applying films to such backgrounds always follow the profile. Never just lay out the film and press it under tension into
the recess. With overlapping film adhesion, it is important to make sure that the edges of the film sheets overlap by a
minimum of 4 mm and a maximum of 12 mm. When applying film to film, make absolutely sure that only films of the same
manufacturer and the same type are put on top of each other (monomeric film on monomeric film and polymeric film on
polymeric softened film).
Caution! Certain thermal insulation glazing systems may be damaged by self-adhesive films due to thermal stresses caused
by extreme temperature fluctuations.